Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Storms: Figuratively Speaking

I had a really cool conversation with one of my best friends the other day. We've had so many cool conversations in fact, that we were both tempted to blog ALL our conversations, just for the sake of the world's entertainment. But anyway:
The conversation was about storms, in the figurative and spiritual sense. I was talking about how God had used pretty horrible circumstances in my life to lead up to the more recent, inspiring events that have transpired; and he wondered, "I wonder if there is a way--if we could somehow see God's plan--that we'd avoid those storms entirely." And that question really got us both thinking. A brainSTORM had just begun. (Heh heh...)
Then it occured to me, and it quickly occurred to him as well, that God shapes us through his storms, he pushes us in the way we need to go. He gets us to go to His side of the boat and ask him to save the day. If God doesn't rattle us up a bit sometimes, we'd never see glorious changes in our lives that God knows we long to see. We might not even know what those changes are. For example, if I didn't have my bout with cancer, or my other dramatic battles during that time, my life would be completely different right now. The San Diego Christian College opportunity would never have happened, if my storms never happened. I would still be a depressed, self-hating, fake-faced boy if I was never diagnosed with lymphoma. I would have never known who was there for me, and who was not. I wouldn't have a story that kept both me going, and some people around me. Now honestly, the storm sucked big time while going through it. I know it wasn't a punishment though, because NOW, being on the otherside of it, I'm a new man. I'm tight with God. I'm going to college (I was not even considering college before), I'm passionate about life again, and I've seen a side of God I've never seen before. So in an attempt to wrap this up, the thing is simply this:
  If "storms" are of God, then should we pray them away? If they are to do us good, should we curse them? For me, I will pray God's storms upon me; I pray he opens up the heavens and thunders and rains all over my life. Yes, His storms are difficult. They are heavy, therefore not an easy burden. So I pray for better ways to WEATHER these storms. I pray that I will be on God's side of the boat when it hits my seas, I pray that when he's out there on the water calling for me that I jump right in and never take my eyes off him.
We gotta raise NEW sails, and pray and prepare for the worst. For God sends His toughest hurricanes to show us the biggest miracles! And not only will OUR story and inspiration be effected, but so will  our peer's and the rest of those around us. I look forward to the next rainy day or typhoon God sends my way, for in the end, God is victorious, and in the end, life is how it needs to be, whether we are personally benefited, or someone else entirely in God's kingdom. Afterall, life isn't all about the individual, it's about God. HIS plan. If HE'S victorious, He will make his children victorious as well.
This day I find ways to weather the storm. This day I wait anxiously for it.