Friday, March 2, 2012

...But Why a Blog?

Alright. So the purpose of me having a blog is mainly so I don't have to write a stinkin' "Facebook Note" every time I feel the need to write/share poetry and or my thoughts on an issue. And given that a lot of the time, status updates don't give you a whole lot of space to write your real thoughts, I decided, maybe a blog was best for me. And what is this "Twitter?" Yes, I got one, and I'm still not really sure why anyone would care enough about someone's tweets. I guess I enoy the funny ones...some people can pull a Twitter account off, but otherwise...yeah, there are quite a few people who really just need to stay away from Twitter #youKnowWhoYouAre.
But anyway, I can promise you that you will not regret following this blog, there will be plenty of entertainment to go around, and fun discussions/rantings about this and that. And poetry to boot, I feel like that's one of my favorite forms of communication.
So in case I don't see ya, "Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight," and I hope you follow my blog!


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